Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain. It is in response to adverse or demanding circumstances (Voichoski, 2018). Stress can be categorized into two types: acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is a short-term type of stress that is caused by various reasons like losing a game, worrying about an exam, and much more. Chronic stress, on the other hand, remains for a longer duration and can be caused due to financial problems, prolonged health issues, and various other reasons.
Stress is prevalent among men as compared to women. The ratio of stressed men to stressed women is as high as 4:1 (L. Seaton et al., 2017). Stress is one of the growing issues in men and should, therefore, be paid attention to. Although women face comparatively higher stress than men, the level of stress in men is greater than that in women. Juggling between work, family, and friends causes stress. There are certain stressors unique to men including stressors related to their work, family, relationships, health, and societal expectations. Stress can also be caused by several other reasons like divorce, separation, the death of someone close, pressure from family, or peer expectations.
Certain personality types are more prone to stress than others. Studies have shown that depression and anxiety are associated with a Type A personality. Stress causes physiological and psychological responses. The body’s defense mechanism becomes activated. Stress is the body’s natural response to threats and danger. The body releases certain chemicals that prepare it to counter the danger. These chemicals include cortisol and adrenaline.
Although these chemicals help to cope with the danger, if their level remains elevated in the body, it can have serious health effects. Stress is a significant public health issue across the globe. Understanding stress is important as it negatively affects overall well-being. Many studies have been performed on stress but few address the gender-specific aspect. Gender plays a critical role in stress exposure, outcome, and management. The growing prevalence of male-specific health problems highlights the importance of examining stress and health outcomes for men as a special population. A holistic approach is important while examining the effects of stress on the health of men. Research suggests that masculinity ideals discourage men from seeking help when dealing with stress.
Although there have been efforts to understand the effect of stress on health considering gender as a factor, still there is a lot to explore. Stress has a significant impact on the health of men and the effects of stress on men’s health are discussed in the following sections.
Physical Health Effects of Stress in Men
Stress has physical health effects as well, which men seldom acknowledge. Although this is prevalent in the hustling environments, it needs to be addressed to promote men’s health. Chronic stress changes the way men react to situations and can trigger health problems. Anxiety leads to an increased heart rate and provokes cardiovascular diseases. Stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol affect blood vessels and heart muscles. Stress also leads to impulsive behavior which causes sudden heart attacks, even in young men. Stress-induced depression might promote obesity and diabetes, especially in men. Male bodies crave more fat and sugar, and with decreased energy expenditure and careless eating habits, metabolic syndromes develop. Stress is also tied to risk factors like hypertension and cholesterol levels (Voichoski, 2018).
Stress clearly has serious physical health effects, but these remain unacknowledged in everyday life. Thus, men need to keep a vigilant eye on their health statuses and get regular check-ups where blood, cholesterol, and glucose levels are measured. Simple lifestyle adjustments like a balanced diet, regular exercise, reducing alcohol, and scaling back on junk food can do wonders in fixing a lot of health issues. Stress currently acts as a silent killer, and awareness needs to be created regarding its tangible risks.
Mental Health Effects of Stress in Men
Shifting the focus from physical to mental health, stress affects mental health in men severely. Male mental health issues are prevalent but often left untreated due to misconceptions and societal expectations. Mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are brought on by stresses of life, many of which men face regularly. With workplace stresses, relationship issues, monetary problems and more, stress affects mental health in men severely but the issues are often left undocumented and untreated (Voichoski, 2018).
Society often imposes expectations on men to be stoic and emotionless, discouraging the expression of emotions for fear of being seen as weak. This can lead to untreated mental health issues, as many men attempt to ignore stresses and emotions, opting for an “it’ll be fine” mentality. It is common to suppress emotions, especially negative ones, in hopes that silently ignoring stresses will remove them, but this often has the opposite effect. Suppressing emotions prolongs and intensifies their detrimental effects on mental health, leading to issues such as depression and anxiety (L. Seaton et al., 2017). Stresses gradually pile on, snowballing into a mountain of issues that feel impossible to overcome, and when one finally breaks down, it can lead to thoughts and attempts of self-harm.
To combat these issues, the first step is simply recognizing the symptoms that accompany mental distress. Symptoms vary from individual to individual, but common signs include changes in appetite, sleeping patterns, temper, detachment from social situations, or an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. Once you start to notice these symptoms or any cause for concern in yourself or a male friend, the most important step is to seek help. Society is slowly beginning to foster open discussions around the idea of mental health yet it is still a sensitive subject to approach, especially in men.
A simple way to start is by asking if anything is wrong or if your friend or family member simply needs someone to talk to. It does not need to be a deep, philosophical discussion; many men will feel more comfortable openly talking about their stresses while doing something, such as going for a walk or grabbing a drink. The goal of a discussion should never be to completely fix the problem, as that is impossible. Simply listening and letting your friend know that they are not alone and there is nothing wrong with seeking help gives them the courage to do so.

Social and Relationship Impacts of Stress on Men
Stress negatively affects how men interact socially with others. For example, men experiencing stress often withdraw from social situations, neglecting friendships and allowing them to fade away (Voichoski, 2018). Even familial relationships suffer, as stress can lead to avoidance or resentment towards family members, with the case of a father and husband withdrawing from family moments after losing a job illustrating this. Stress also places a heavy burden on romantic relationships, as this type of relationship often suffers a lack of effective communication.
Many men find it hard to talk about their problems, often bottling things up instead. This leads to their partners feeling troubled and confused since they cannot understand why their loved one is acting distant. Often the partner makes an effort to draw things out, which may lead to a confrontation, and things escalate, as seen in the case of a couple where one partner felt burdened by their own issues while still wanting to help their partner in distress. Social stigma surrounding men’s mental health only worsens the situation. Men are expected to be tough and self-sufficient, which leads to feelings of isolation even in an open environment. A study shows that around 90% of those who take their own lives are men. Statistics also show that men are less likely to seek help for their mental health, with the result being untreated stress exploding onto the social environment.
This creates a wider social picture of the consequences of untreated stress. For instance, a man’s stressful work situation leads to aggression towards other people, creating a chain reaction of stress. Overall, the literature suggests that stress, in its various forms, has a vicious negative impact on relationships, whether those relationships are social, familial, or romantic. A frustrated friend turns into a frustrated partner, and a partner frustrates a family member.
This, however, does not mean that stress cannot be managed. Most importantly, it is vital for men to understand the nature of their stress in order to direct an approach towards remedying it. Communicating how stress negatively impacts relationships gives men a greater understanding of the need to communicate how stress impacts them personally. Generally, it is emphasized that reinforcing better communication strategies among men in all social aspects of life is essential to lessen the negative social consequences of stress.
Finally, it must be reiterated that this research focuses purely on how stress affects the social well-being of men, meaning that some points may be mentioned only briefly or even overlooked entirely. For instance, how relationships impact one’s social situation is discussed but not focused on, although it is vital—if not crucial—to understand the broader picture and stresses one’s social situation may create.
Effective Stress Management Techniques for Men
To navigate modern stressors effectively, gain control over stress responses, and develop resistance against overwhelming stress, it is crucial to adopt an array of management techniques. A combination of strategies tailored to individual preferences, circumstances, and stressors is key to optimal effectiveness. Stress management techniques can encompass anything that helps mitigate stress. For men seeking methods to manage stress, the following techniques can be beneficial: mindfulness; engage in mindful breathing, yoga, meditation, or similar activities.
Mindfulness techniques allow individuals to step outside their immediate feelings and observe stress from a slight distance, which can enhance control over their feelings. Physical activity like running, dancing, or team sports is also effective in reducing stress. For periods without physical exertion, tightening and loosening different muscle groups can substitute for workouts. Time Management Skills; If time pressure exacerbates stress, enhancing time management skills can ease feelings of stress as control over time increases. A balanced lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and exercise is fundamental for reducing and coping with stress. When feeling stressed, it is helpful to evaluate current habits and identify additions or subtractions that could increase balance.
Seeking help from a professional, such as a therapist or medical doctor, should be considered if stress has become overwhelming or unmanageable. Additionally, joining a network or support group, consisting of friends, family, or colleagues, can create a collective understanding of stressors and offer the chance to learn from others’ coping strategies (L. Seaton et al., 2017). Engaging in a hobby, fun activity, or creating something can help alleviate stress. A hobby can be anything enjoyable, whether physical or creative. Even simple pleasures, like playing cards or watching comedies, can be effective.
Enjoyed pastimes provide a break from immediate stressors, enabling coping by viewing stressors from a different perspective. Moreover, activities like drawing, writing, or playing music can channel stress through creativity. Breathing exercises are also good for reducing stress. As stress often leads to shallow breathing, quickly returning to a slow and deeper breath can counteract stress’s physiological effects. Several techniques can help with breathing; a simple one involves closing the eyes and focusing on breathing while counting each inhalation until ten and starting over if distracted. Another exercise involves inhaling through the nose for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of seven, and exhaling through the mouth for a count of eight. Relaxing methods beyond breathing exercises may also be considered, which can be combined with breathing techniques. Imagining a place of peace—whether real or fictional—while focusing on breathing provides a break from worry thoughts and enables coping with stressful situations. Regularly scheduling time for relaxing activities is beneficial, especially during hard times. Activities like yoga, massages, heated baths, or favorite pastimes should be set aside regularly, ideally once a week or more frequently if needed.
As we navigate the ups and downs of life, embracing daily routines can be a powerful tool in managing stress. By weaving activities like exercise, relaxation, and mindfulness into our schedules, we create a foundation for both mental and physical well-being. Whether it’s using a planner to stay on track or allowing for flexibility when needed, these routines help us face challenges with greater resilience. So let’s share this wisdom with others—because sharing is caring—and encourage each other to prioritize our health every day!