Causes of UTI in Men
UTIs in men can be suppressed because of anatomical and physiological differences from women. The male urethra is much longer, which makes it more difficult for bacteria to get into the bladder. Some conditions can cause an obstruction in the urinary pathway where the prostate has become larger or due to bladder-related issues. In some cases, some extension in the male genital urinary system due to surgery or congenital defects will facilitate conditions for urinary obstruction. In some men, long-term catheterization is also responsible.
Male urinary tract infections (UTIs) are usually considered complicated UTIs and they are often associated with infections in the prostate as well. This may be because men have longer urethras so bacteria have further to travel to infect the urinary tract. Normally, the body’s defenses broadly prevent infection by harmful bacteria but when they fail, infection can occur. For example, the protective properties of urine help prevent urinary tract infection. This can be overcome by bacteria which are often able to infect the urinary tract by making virulence factors. If a man has recurrent UTIs, none of these stimuli can be found for the infection, or has a complicated UTI then imaging may be required along with urological consultations.
Risk factors
Lower urinary tract symptoms can be mistaken for these conditions, which is why diagnosing UTIs in men is more difficult. Where the higher presence of these symptoms in women often signals a UTI, in men it can be a misleading or difficult symptom. BPH can also contribute to UTIs, as the bladder doesn’t empty completely leading to a pool of urine for germs to grow. Dilation collects urine and can be one of the reasons why a man with BPH is more susceptible to UTI. Dialysis can help prevent UTIs, though if an infection is caught, antibiotics will be necessary for treatment. Similarly, catheters or anything that can lead to obstructions of the urinary tract can cause UTIs. In these cases, a doctor or health professional can help you prevent infection by maintaining a clean environment for catheters and you should also wean off catheters as soon as possible.
There are many different risk factors that can contribute to UTIs in men. Some of these include but are not limited to: Prostate Conditions, Dehydration and Poor Nutrition, Kidney Stones, Weakened Immune System, Enlarged Prostate, Previous Urinary Procedures and Surgery. Addressing these factors can help prevent UTIs in men. If you find that you have already caught a UTI, don’t wait to seek treatment. There are a variety of treatments available including antibiotic treatments from your doctor and easily-available supplements like D-Mannose. Ask your doctor what might be the best fit for you in your particular case.
Urinary tract anatomy
The male urethra is much longer than the female urethra. This longer distance that a urine spur must travel can make the man’s urethra more resistant to urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, the same resistance can cause more serious and recurrent infections to come back. There are many structures in the lower urinary tract that make the male urinary system infection resistant (e.g., the simple tissue that forms the lining of the bladder is one of the primary reasons why the bladder is resistant to infection). A male with a UTI should discuss his symptoms with his doctor, who can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment. Early treatment can help prevent the spread of the infection to other areas of the body.
Urinary tract anatomy includes the kidneys, which sit high in the back, just below the ribs and are responsible for removing waste and excess water from the blood, creating the body’s liquid waste; the ureter, which is a scaly, tubular-like structure that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder; and the urethra, which is responsible for removing liquid waste from the bladder and outside the body. About four to six inches long, the urethra runs through the center of the penis in a typical man and serves a dual purpose. It helps to circulate semen from the penis during ejaculation and removes urine from the bladder. The opening of the urethra is at the tip of the penis.
Sexual activity
Two major factors contribute to bacteremia. Psychological stress can lead to the development of the pro-inflammatory state, where catecholamines (norepinephrine and epinephrine) increase the expression of the adhesion/internalisation driver (FimH) fimbria of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria (E. coli), which attaches to the urothelium via the mucus layer, which lacks the uroplakin umbrella. Another factor is frequent sexual intercourse, which increases the risk of developing UTI by almost 20-fold. This can sometimes be explained by the exchange of urogenital normal florae. In some cases, men who suffer from flare-ups of non-bacterial chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) may have sexual intercourse more frequently to stimulate their function. Other risk factors include diabetes, spinal cord injury, urinary tract anomaly, and immunodeficiency disorders (i.e., HIV) and treatment (chemotherapy patients or post-transplant recipients).
UTI in men causes and symptoms: Urinary tract infections can be painful, but you can take steps to ease your discomfort until antibiotics treat the infection. A UTI is caused by bacteria in your urinary tract. Infection can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the lower (bladder and urethra) and upper (kidneys and ureters) urinary tracts. The average person can expect two to four UTIs during their lifetime, and they are more common in women. However, UTIs occur in men too and can be serious when they do. Let’s explore some causes and symptoms of a UTI in men, starting with some nomenclature: Doctors may refer to a UTI in men as a urogenital infection because men have both a urinary and a genital system. The condition often causes more than just urinary symptoms; an infection can affect the male prostate and other reproductive organs. For the purposes of this article, though, we’ll refer to a urinary tract infection in men as a UTI.
Symptoms of UTI in Men

There are many symptoms or signs of a urinary tract infection to be aware of at any given time. For males, there is a slightly different set of symptoms than there are for females. It is important to learn about both sets of symptoms in order to be prepared in the event that you might have to face a warning symptoms issue like these. Whether you are experiencing any of these symptoms or know you are a high-risk patient due to personal background, now is the ideal opportunity to visit your doctor upon realizing a urinary tract infection UTI in adult males who are in their senior years as compared to what it looks like in the younger population. Given the various signs of temporary kidney failure and other more significant, more serious manifestations, particularly sepsis, in hospitalized men, spotting and diagnosing a UTI can sometimes be harder. There are various, sometimes vague signs, symptoms to be on the lookout for related to male urinary tract infection.
In men, UTIs can spread to the prostate and cause prostatitis, a difficult-to-treat bacterial infection. According to Cedars-Sinai, a UTI in the prostate can raise your PSA level. If not treated promptly, a urinary tract infection can cause severe clinical issues, particularly if the disease involves the prostate. It is essential to see a medical doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms to get the treatment and help that you require. Both men and women receive treatment for urinary tract infections, but the infections possess different signs. While women may have burning as they pass urine, frequent urination, fever, chills, and other similar feelings, males may experience difficulty urinating during a urinary tract infection, and stomach and back discomfort may accompany it. It is important for men to know about these warning signs to obtain the proper treatment of UTIs in men since the infection could spread, which would result in more significant problems.
Pain or burning sensation
UTI does not occur only in women, although women are more likely to have UTI. Urethritis is a UTI that usually affects more women than men. While women with urethritis have an abnormal discharge or burning sensation when they are peeing, men are usually asymptomatic. When symptoms are evident, patients experience an unusual discharge or slight burning when urinating. Urethritis may be an STD that causes symptoms. It is important to treat the condition and any disease, especially with an infection, because this may cause other problems like epididymitis. Epididymis is a duct found behind the testicles, which is a rare disease that occurs exclusively in men. With this condition, a man may develop inflammation, resulting in an aching pain at the testis, causing redness and warmth and swelling. A bacterial infection or an underlying medical condition can cause the inflammation, which may improve by resting and regular mite application; however, oral or injected drug treatment is typically recommended.
If you have a UTI, you may also need extra time to urinate, which usually means that you have to go to the bathroom more frequently and you might feel like you need to go right now. However, even if you feel a very strong need to go, you may release only a few drops of urine. Women can sometimes feel a strong need to urinate too, but most likely they are unable to hold urine. Less often than women, you may experience pain in the area above the pubic bone as well as pain in the lower back.
Frequent urge to urinate
Difficulty starting urination or stopping and the need to strain when urinating is associated with an enlarged prostate in older men and can indicate obstruction of the urethra by the prostate gland. BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) is an enlargement of the prostate and is not cancer, but it can cause similar symptoms. Obstruction causes urine to sit in the bladder, allowing bacteria to multiply and cause infection. Other classic symptoms of BHP include a sensation of fullness or pressure in the rectum, dribbling after urination, and leaking urine.
Frequent urge to urinate: A frequent urge to urinate with little output is a classic symptom of UTI in both men and women. In men, it can indicate prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland. Other symptoms of prostatitis include pain or pressure in the pelvis. Pain in the penis, testicles, and discomfort in the lower abdomen and rectum may also occur. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic and is commonly caused by bacteria. The diagnosis is made through digital rectal examination. Most men with this condition are treated on an outpatient basis with antibiotics, pain medications, and stool softeners.
Treatment for UTI in Men
Many people recover completely from UTIs within a day or two of treatment. However, UTIs are recurrent – meaning that they can occur more than once over a certain period. When a UTI happens two or more times, it is called chronic urinary tract infection. A doctor can provide advice on how to decrease the risk of recurrence. In some cases, a healthcare practitioner may prescribe long-term or low-dose antibiotics for people who develop frequent and uncomfortable UTIs or can’t treat the symptoms of the cause. UTI symptoms generally improve within a couple of days after beginning treatment. However, UTIs continue to improve after starting treatment. Even if symptoms disappear quickly and you feel better, the medical advice is that you continue taking prescribed antibiotics for the entire period. This is because not all UTI bacteria are completely killed when the medicine begins to work. If the treatment is not used for the full first course, it can cause the remaining bacteria to multiply and lead to new infections.
The good news is that UTIs can be treated effectively and quickly. One popular treatment for UTIs is an antibiotic prescribed for 3-7 days. For people with complex UTIs, different treatments or antibiotic prescriptions might be needed. Although antibiotics are the first line of treatment for urinary tract infections, treatment options can vary depending on the cause, location, and severity of the symptoms. Other treatment options include: Recommended treatments depend on your particular UTI and associated causes, such as enlarged prostate, diabetes, and strictures. Urologic conditions such as urethral strictures may require additional testing, and treatment with surgery might be necessary. All of the reasons listed above are why it is essential to see a healthcare professional knowledgeable in men’s urologic care rather than self-diagnosing with a search on the internet.
The condition of a nonspecific immune response to another product was tested successfully, dependent on the pathogen concentration and the helper function of the devastated hosts. Its impact on the immune rejection response deserves particular attention, because the innate immune responses are relatively inefficient. Its immune mechanisms involve both an even harder and strong sIgA and IgA PA support directed at the highbinder urinary tract that is rapidly associated with. A treatment element not addressed in this review, but which can also predispose to urinary tract infection, is nonpathogenic urine. Some patients with frequent urinary retention have excessive residual concentrations of the urine set.
Urinary tract inflammation. An antibiotic is the classic treatment for UTIs. Antibiotics work by killing the bacteria that cause the infection. Commonly prescribed antibiotics include: Fosfomycin: A single dose of it can clear a urinary tract infection. Nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, which doctors refer to as first-line drugs. If the initial antibiotic medication does not treat the problem, a person may need to move on to a stronger antibiotic, such as ciprofloxacin. It can take 1–2 days to see any improvements, even with the use of antibiotics. However, if the antibiotics do not relieve the symptoms, a person should contact their healthcare provider. Native antimicrobial resistance is well differentiated between Gram-negative and Gram-positive uropathogens. Only 2% have ESBL compensation, but they have to overcome the aquaporin-4 deficiency, as it is secreted from the bladder epithelium during anthelmintic excretion with blood or urine, reducing the characteristic associated with parasitized hosts. The antithymocyte effects associated with pathogenic inflammatory impair cell homing and colonization.
Pain relief medications
Work with your doctor to identify which medications will best relieve the discomfort and prostatitis symptoms while also addressing some of the inflammation that is associated with the condition. These could include opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, medications, diet, or some of the interventions for chronic pelvic pain such as myofascial therapy or relaxation techniques. Serious side effects can occur if you take any drug, and your doctor will provide you with all of the necessary information and potential drug interactions when it comes to adjusting your pain medications. Keep in mind that opioids can be highly effective, will help to manage any pain, and can provide patients with support for their acute symptoms when over-the-counter medications are not enough.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for mild pain after you urinate or when you ejaculate. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), or aspirin. NSAIDs help lower discomfort when you urinate and help address chronic pain. Talk with your physician about taking over-the-counter pain medicines that might be helpful in your specific case. One approach to the prevention and management of chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Drinking plenty of water
About 1 in 3 people will have symptomatic UTIs by the time they are 24, and 40-50% of women may get a UTI during their lifetime. However, drinking plenty of water has been shown to help prevent them. If you have more dilute urine, you feel the urge to urinate more frequently, and you’ll be more likely to pee out any bacteria before they start to multiply. Water can also help in a variety of other ways. Drinking plenty of water can help keep any kidney stones from forming and preventing any unwanted particles from sticking to your urinary tract. This is important because many UTIs occur when the bacteria E. cingularis are introduced into the urinary tract and are able to stick to the bladder lining. The results of a case study found that women who had UTIs lost a greater amount of water compared to others. This means that the water itself becomes crucial to the prevention of urinary tract infections.
Water helps to flush out the urinary tract. When you are hydrated, you urinate more often. The urine helps to move waste from the body that would otherwise be lingering in your urinary system, causing infection. Most people should drink at least 4-6 cups of water every day. Not drinking enough water can put you at risk of UTIs developing. Occasionally, women may be advised to drink a bit more to help prevent another urinary tract infection. Drinking more liquid than normal is thought of as the best way to flush the system. However, studies have actually shown that the amount of liquid you intake does not impact the frequency of urination, but it could dilute your urine. Making sure the urine is diluted when you pee can be one way to help prevent deposits from sticking to your urethra.
Prevention of UTI in Men
Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as these habits can cause bladder cancers. Don’t use birth control cream, diaphragms, or spermicides. In some people, these may irritate the genital area or promote the growth of bacteria. The doctor may recommend a medication to overcome a problem in the muscle walls of the urinary tract that allows urine to pool there. To diagnose urinary tract infections in men, the physician must first collect a urine culture or urine test. It is administered by analyzing a sample of urine and identifying the type of infection in order to prescribe the appropriate antibiotics. In some cases a sample of prostate discharge also needs to be collected. If complications from a bladder infection are suspected, more tests may be done, such as a voiding cystourethrography and a brain scan to check for urinary tract obstructions caused by kidney failure.
To decrease the likelihood of getting a urinary tract infection in men; drink plenty of liquids. Water is best. Limit alcohol and caffeine. It may increase the urge to urinate, causing over-activity of the bladder, which may lead to overflow incontinence. Empty the bladder as soon as you feel the urge to urinate. Don’t put off urinating until later. It is best to go when the need arises. Urinate before and immediately after sexual intercourse, to help clear bacteria from the urinary tract. Good hygiene, both before and after sexual activity, can help prevent UTIs. Avoid douching, sprays, or powders from the genital area. Such products will irritate the bladder and cause inflammatory conditions.
Title: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary system. It is more common in women, but cancer, bladder damage, stones, or an enlarged prostate can cause UTI to occur more often in men. Causes, symptoms, and treatment and prevention of UTI in men are discussed.
Hygiene practices
Some women’s health experts believe circumcision could be an important UTI-prevention intervention for males. Studies on the topic found that boys who were circumcised in the first year of life experienced fewer UTIs in the first year of life when compared with their uncircumcised counterparts. Infant male circumcision was associated with a 43% decrease in the risk of UTIs up to the first 3 months of life. It’s important to remember, though, that each partner should be an active part of the conversation about when to have sex and what level of intimacy is acceptable for that particular relationship, as well as each other’s personal hygiene practices.
A man’s genitals should be appropriately cleaned after sex to prevent the spread of UTI-causing bacteria.
After a bowel movement, the genitals should be thoroughly cleansed with toilet paper.
Use the toilet each time you feel the sensation of needing to urinate to prevent the overgrowth and spread of UTI-causing bacteria due to urine retention.
Cleanse daily with soap and water to keep UTI-causing bacteria from overgrowing the genital region and causing UTIs.