What does Traditional Chinese Medicine treat?

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Traditional Chinese medicine is a complex system that’s hard to understand. The purpose of this article is to help you get started with your research by answering the most common questions about traditional Chinese medicine.

Many people are hesitant to try traditional Chinese Medicine because they don’t know what it treats or how it works. Traditional Chinese Medicine can be complex, but understanding its basic concepts will help you decide if it’s right for you.

We’ll cover everything from acupuncture and herbal remedies to moxibustion and cupping therapy in this article so that by the end, you’ll have all the information you need about traditional Chinese Medicine treatments!

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese medicine is a comprehensive medical system, which means that the entire person is treated. This includes physical health as well as the mental state of mind and outlook on life in general- all aspects are looked at when it comes to treating someone with TCM practices. To do this effectively though requires an approach tailored specifically for each individual root cause so problems won’t just get covered up but rather resolved altogether by addressing what makes them arise in the first place instead!

Different types of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments:


Acupuncture is the practice of inserting thin needles into the body at specific points for a set period of time. Acupuncture needles are inserted into acupuncture points, which correspond to qi and meridians that connect to various body parts and functions. Illness occurs when qi becomes blocked or unbalanced. The flow of qi can be restored by inserting needles into points associated with the source of the illness. Acupuncture is commonly used to relieve pain.

  1. CUPPING, 拔罐 (BÁ GUÀN)

Bá guàn is a technique that creates suction on the skin by using small cups, often made of glass. Suction can be produced in a number of ways. One approach is to light an alcohol-soaked cotton ball and place it inside the cup. After removing the cotton ball, the heated cup is quickly placed on the skin. The skin is drawn up by the pressure as the air inside the cup cools. When the cups are removed, this causes minor swelling and bruising on the skin. While the bruises are visible, they are not painful, and the treatment is generally relaxing.

  1. GUA SHA, 刮痧 (GUĀ SHĀ)

This technique entails scraping lubricated skin repeatedly with a tool, which could be a ceramic spoon, coin, animal bone, or shaped piece of rock. To produce light bruises, the tool’s smooth edge is firmly stroked across the skin, beginning in the spinal area and moving along meridians. Gua sha, like other traditional Chinese medicine techniques, is thought to release toxins from the body and improve blood circulation. While the procedure can be painful, its goal is to relieve blood stagnation and tension while also relaxing muscles by increasing blood flow. Gua sha is used to treat a variety of ailments, including chronic pain and fever.

  1. TUI NA, 推拿 (TUĪ NÁ)

Tui na, which literally translates as “push and grasp,” is a type of therapeutic massage that focuses on treating specific problems rather than simply relaxing. Hand techniques such as kneading, rolling, pressing, and rubbing are used. Tui na frequently incorporates acupressure, which is a technique that involves applying pressure to a specific point on the body with the fingers, hands, or elbow. Tui na, like other therapies, aims to regulate the flow of qi in the body by targeting points and meridians. These methods are frequently used to treat musculoskeletal conditions.

The more you learn about traditional Chinese medicine, the better your understanding of it will be. We hope this article has helped provide some insights on how to get started researching TCM and what types of questions might come up for people who are interested in learning more. If you have any other common questions that we didn’t answer here please let us know! Our team is always available to help with all aspects of research into Traditional Chinese Medicine so don’t hesitate to reach out anytime. What additional information would you like to know?